Monday, 13 May 2019

Understanding Common Customs Terminology

Below are definitions of terms commonly used by Customs Administrations. For definitive description of the term used, it is advisable to refer to the Customs Laws in each country as the scope and understanding of the same term may vary. However for a layman's and business community the  definitions as below would generally suffice.
The definitions are extracted from ASEAN Agreement on Customs 2007


Wednesday, 8 May 2019


New 2018 Edition

The Technical Committee on Customs Valuation under WCO shares ideas and national practices, including the trade view in the New 2018 edition
Quote “The 2018 edition includes updates to reflect developments on transfer pricing at the OECD including the OECD/G20 Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Project (Chapter 3), information on recent texts concluded by the Technical Committee on Customs Valuation (Chapter 4), updates to national initiatives (Annex I) and minor drafting changes.” See the link at ……. For the full text of the publication.

What is the effect of Transfer Pricing and which are the Agencies that should pay heed:

“How transfer prices are determined in practice can be important for, and influenced by, a range of regulatory and non-regulatory factors, including, inter alia, taxes (such as corporate income tax) and duties.
Transfer pricing is a neutral concept that simply refers to the determination of transfer prices for transactions between related parties. As pointed out by Tax Justice Network, “transfer pricing is not, in itself, illegal or abusive. What is illegal or abusive is … transfer pricing manipulation or abusive transfer pricing.” (Tax Justice Network).
How transfer prices are determined is essential for defining the corporate tax base (direct taxation), but in some cases, it may also be important for a range of other regulatory and non-regulatory purposes, including the following:

Who should pay attention:

· Tax Authorities -Taxes and duties (value-added tax/Sales tax, customs duties, mining royalties, and petroleum resource taxes, for example);
· Corporations law (directors’ duties, protection of minority shareholders, for example);
· Contractual requirements (investment contracts, for example);
· Statutory accounting requirements;
· Foreign exchange controls;
· Management accounting;
· Internal performance management and evaluation;
· Employee profit-sharing requirements;
· Competition law; and
· Official trade statistics.

The determination of appropriate transfer prices is also often required for subsidiaries to prepare stand-alone statutory accounts in order to meet local reporting requirements. Although standards or methodologies for determining these transfer prices may or may not be provided for under local, generally accepted accounting principles, the value of associated party transactions will generally require separate disclosure in the notes to the accounts, as may any uncertain tax positions related to them. 
Regulation of transfer pricing for direct tax purposes generally involves the prescription of standards or methodologies. Direct tax transfer pricing regulations, for example, generally require that transfer prices for transactions between associated enterprises be determined in accordance with the arm’s length principle (discussed below). Noncompliance with these regulations will often result in adjustments to the tax liability and the imposition of penalties and interest.
A study by Cools (2003) found that “because of the real threat of audits and penalties, the tax requirements of transfer pricing play a prominent role in the MNE’s decision-making process” As an increasing number of countries introduce transfer pricing legislation and increase audit capacity (see below), this trend will only increase.
Regulation of transfer prices for Customs purposes (i.e. determination of Customs values) and VAT purposes also generally involves the prescription of specific standards or methodologies that must be complied with. However, these standards or methodologies generally differ from those prescribed for direct tax purposes and have a narrower scope of application.
In addition to taxes and duties, foreign exchange controls, contractual requirements, and other regulations and administrative practices can have a substantial impact on the determination of transfer prices. As a result of the different regulatory and non-regulatory factors that can influence the determination of transfer prices, MNE groups sometimes face conflicting requirements. Although congruence is theoretically desirable, different transfer prices may be recorded or reported for different purposes.”
to read further see WCO Guide 2018 Edition
Post dated 8 may 2019

Sunday, 31 March 2019


Event Organisers or Trade Exhibition businesses should seek Customs advice whether the nature of their business need to be registered under Service Tax Act 2018.Under the previous Service Tax Act 1975 many such businesses were caught unaware that the Department ruled Organisation or Management of Trade Exhibitions are Taxable and were required to account for back taxes short  collected.
1.    Such businesses felt at it was an unfair decision as the business was not a management or consultancy service provided to another person but was intrinsically related to their legitimate business.Customs reasoning was that it was a special services provided to businesses in a particular Industry for a Specific purpose eg when a further Education Event is organised  targeting Colleges and Higher education business or a Real Estate Housing Exhibition is organised for Companies involved in Building and Construction or Renovation business.
2.    As an example a trade exhibition event organised for sales promotion on an upcoming Residential, Office and Retail outlets project by a developer on his own would not be regarded as Management services because taking bookings or show-casing models of upcoming project is necessarily an intrinsic part of a Developer of Real estate business provided it is confined to his own projects.



(Nama Sebenar syarikat telah ditukar. Apa-apa rujukan kepada Syarikat yang mempunyai Nama CRJ NET adalah kebetulan dan tidak disengajakan)

 Latar Belakang
                                 i.  CRJ NET SDN BHD memohon Ketetapan Kastam di bawah Sek 6A Akta Cukai Jualan 1975 (“ACP” berkaitan:
Ø  Exhibition Organiser (Trade & Consumer) including Homedec, Archidex, ECO-B and ITEX dsbnya. Activity involves Rental of Exhibition booths.

Deskripsi Perniagaan CRJ NET SDN BHD
                                 i.      CRJ NET SDN BHD menerangkan perniagaan yang dijalankan adalah menganjorkan perniagaan sendiri dan pendapatan diperolehi daripada penyewaan booths atau sponsorship (jika ada).
                               ii.   Syarikat menyewa tapak untuk pameran thema tertentu dan kemudian mencari pihak-pihak yang ingin menyewa booths di tapak pameran supaya kesemua kawasan tapak digunakan dan pendapatan diperolehi.
                              iii.   Perkhidmatan yang diberikan dalam menjayakan pameran adalah mendapatkan pihak lain untuk kerja-kerja termasuk ‘booth construction, A&P, Logistics, Sound & Light, Security dan Lain-lain. Pihak lain ini akan berhubung secara langsung dengan pelanggannya.
                             iv.    CRJ NET menegaskan bahawa pihaknya tidak mendapat hasil daripada menguruskan perkhidmatan kepada pelanggan-pelanggannya. Skop kerjanya terhad kepada penyewaan booths.
                               v.      CRJ NET mencadangkan lagi bahawa apa-apa fungsi pengurusan yang terlibat dalam menjayakan pameran adalah bersifat ‘furtherance of our business….and therefore for all intents and purposes is purely for self-consumption’ 
        Skop Kerja Dalam Menganjorkan Pameran
  Dalam menganjorkan sesuatu Pameran  beberapa aktiviti adalah terlibat. Berikut di senaraikan aktiviti yang dijalankan:
  1.     Menetapkan Thema untuk Pameran
  2.     Mencari lokasi untuk menempatkan pameran-Tapak
  3.     Menetapkan masa dan tempoh Pameran
  4.     Menentukan Sasaran pemasaran iaitu pihak-pihak untuk dibuat pemasaran supaya menyertai pameran
  5.      Kerja-kerja pemasangan khemah/pondok/bilik/booths pameran, kerja kerja logistics, Sound and Lights, Security, Langkah  Kecemasan, Floor Manager dsbnya  
  6.      Menjayakan pameran dengan membuat publicity
  7.      Mengadakan Upacara pembukaan dan penutupan dengan diserikan oleh Orang Ternama
  8.       Mendapatkan bayaran daripada peserta pameran dan menjelaskan bayaran kepada kontraktor, penyewa premis, insuran, letrik, air,utilities lain dan bayaran kerosakan dsbnya

Nature of Business Penganjor Pameran:
                                i.            CRJ NET sebagai satu perniagaan sendiri mempunyai objek perniagaan sebagai Perancang dan pelaksana (Event) Exhibition. Syarikat menentukan jenis Pameran yang hendak diadakan dan merancang serta menjayakan pameran. Ini merupakan core-businessnya, objek keujudan perniagaan

                           ii.      CRJ NET seperti juga perniagaan-perniagaan lain seumpamanya adalah berbeza dengan perniagaan lain contohnya yang menjalankan latihan. Syarikat yang menjalankan core business Latihan juga mempunyai fungsi Pengurusan dalam melaksanakan perniagaan latihan tetapi latihan diberikan kepada individu. Jika syarikat latihan membantu perniagaan lain contohnya SHELL Msia menguruskan program latihannya, fungsi yang dijalankan adalah pengurusan.

                            iii.      Bagi CRJ NET dan syarikat-syarikat seumpamanya fungsi pengurusan bertujuan menjayakan sesuatu acara atau projek yang merupakan objektif utama keujudan perniagaan. Objektif perniagaan seperti CRJ NET adalah menganjorkan ‘Expo’ contohnya ‘Expo Kecantikkan’, ‘Expo Perumahan’, ‘Expo Décor’, ‘Expo Pendidikan’, ‘Expo Defense’ dsbnya.

      Aktiviti Yang Dijalankan
Bagi menganjorkan dan menjayakan sesuatu ‘Expo’ terdapat beberapa aktiviti yang dijalankan yang kesemuanya merangkumi ‘Basic Management Functions’ :

                                    i.            PLANNING
PLANNING: Planning involves choosing tasks that must be performed to attain organizational goals, outlining how the tasks must be performed, and indicating when they should be performed.
Planning activity focuses on attaining goals. Managers outline exactly what organizations should do to be successful. Planning is concerned with the success of the organization in the short term as well as in the long term.

Bagi CRJ NET dalam menjalankan aktiviti ‘Planning’ ianya merancang jenis Thema
untuk pameran. Setelah menentukan Thema, ianya menggunakan sumber-sumbernya iaitu kakitangan dan kepakaran pengurusan melalui networking yang telah diujudkan dengan rangkaian industry players di luar negeri atau dalam negeri untuk menyasar dan memasarkan idea. Juga dalam merancang, ianya menentukan pihak pihak yang akan terlibat, merancang mesyuarat, menetapkan milestones untuk implement, tarikh untuk melakukan sesuatu dan reporting dsbnya
Syarikat syarikat Expo memaklumkan bahawa biaisanya mereka cuma menganjorkan dua atau paling banyak tiga expo setahun kerana dalam merancang dan melaksanakan sesuatu expo melibatkan banyak tasks yang tidak berupaya diselesaikan dalam masa yang singkat. 

                                  ii.            ORGANIZING
Organizing can be thought of as assigning the tasks developed in the planning stages, to various individuals or groups within the organization. Organizing is to create a mechanism to put plans into action.
People within the organization are given work assignments that contribute to the company’s goals. Tasks are organized so that the output of each individual contributes to the success of departments, which, in turn, contributes to the success of divisions, which ultimately contributes to the success of the organization.

                Bagi CRJ NET, organizing melibatkan kakitangannya yang diberi tugas pertamanya      menghubungi dan menyelaras dengan Tuanpunya tapak pameran, keduanya menghubungi peserta pameran dan kontraktor serta sub-kontraktor, allotment of lots, membuat perlantikan dan perjanjian, mengadakan mesyuarat dengan pihak-pihak ini  serta tugas-tugas berkaitan

                                iii.            DIRECTING (INFLUENCING)
Influencing is also referred to as motivating,leading or directing.Influencing can be defined as guiding the activities of organization members in the direction that helps the organization move towards the fulfillment of the goals.
The purpose of influencing is to increase productivity. Human-oriented work situations usually generate higher levels of production over the long term than do task oriented work situations because people find the latter type distasteful.

              Bagi CRJ NET, directing melibatkan kakitangannya serta pihak pihak yang terlibat samada peserta dan staf peserta, kontraktor, subkontraktor atau pihak media, tuanpunya tapak, pihak keselamatan. CRJ NET perlu menyampaikan maklumat dan berkomunikasi setiap masa jika ada perubahan pelan atau pelanggan ada perubahan keperluan menyelasaikan masalah, hiccups dsbnya 

                                iv.            CONTROLLING
It involves establishing performance standards based on the company's objectives, and evaluating and reporting actual job performance. Once management has done both of these things, it should compare the two to determine any necessary corrective or preventive action.
Through controlling, management is able to identify any potential problems and take the necessary preventative measures. Management is also able to identify any developing problems that need to be addressed through corrective action.

            Bagi CRJ NET, Controlling melibatkan monitoring pelaksanaan pelan mengadakan pameran, mengenalpasti hiccups dan puncanya serta menyelesaikan perkara-perkara berbangkit. Ini melibatkan contohnya mendapatkan lesen atau permit, kawalan keatas pihak yang menyertai,, menganjorkan publicity dan iklan, menyesuaikan pindaan pelan atau lain-lain contingency measures. Juga ianya melibatkan post-mortem survey untuk tujuan menyeleasikan pertikaian daripada orangramai, peserta pameran, isu-isu bayaran atau pampasan, kerosakan dsbnya 

     Cadangan Syarikat berkaitan ‘Rental of Booths’

                     i.     Syarikat berpendapat ‘rental of booth’ tidak tertakluk kepada cukai perkhidmatan  di bawah  Jadual Kedua, Kumpulan butiran r mengenai ‘Management services’  kerana rental bukannya perkhidmatan pengurusan
              ii.               Syarikat berpendapat perniagaannya adalah tidak tertakluk kepada cukai perkhidmatan kerana mereka mengendalikan atau ‘menguruskan’ pameran sendiri.
            iii.            Syarikat berpendapat ianya tidak mendapat pendapatan dengan memberi perkhidmatan pengurusan kepada pelanggannya iaitu ‘the exhibitors’.Syarikat mendapat pendapatan dengan ‘rental of booths’   

     Kesimpulan dan Cadangan
a.      CRJ NET SDN BHD menjalankan perniagaan menganjorkan dan menguruskan Exhibitions.
b.      Perkhidmatan pengurusan biasanya melibatkan penyediaan perkhidmatan pengurusan berkaitan sesuatu perkara bagi pihak syarikat/Organisasi lain.
c.  Perniagaan CRJ NET adalah melibatkan pihak-pihak lain yang mana Syarikat memasarkan/menawarkan perkhidmatan menganjorkan sesuatu Exhibition dan   juga pihak-pihak lain yang ingin menyertai setelah mendapat tahu tentang Exhibition yang dianjorkan.
d.      ‘Rental of booths’ merupakan suatu mekanisma bagaimana CRJ NET boleh memasarkan dan mendapatkan pulangan atas nilai kos dalam menganjorkan dan menguruskan Exhibition. Dengan kaedah ‘rental of booth’ CRJ NET dapat mengambilkira semua kos yang terlibat dan pihak yang menyertai dikenakan bayaran atas jumlah ‘booths space’ yang diambil. Juga booths space adalah cara seragam keseluruhan keluasan tapak Exhibition boleh dibahagikan dan dipasarkan.
e.      Setelah pihak yang menyertai Exhibition membuat tempahan ‘rental of booths’, kos-kos lain seperti booth construction, rental of wall partitions, decorations, Sound & Light, A&P dan lain lain boleh dilakukan sendiri oleh pihak itu sendiri atau meminta CRJ NET memperkenalkan pihak kontraktor dan sub-kontraktor. Bayaran untuk kos-kos ini ditanggong sendiri oleh pihak yang menyertai Exhibition walaupun bayaran dibuat kepada CIS Network untuk ‘rental of booths’.
f.        CRJ NET perlu itemize semua komponen kos dalam caj ‘rental of booths’ dan mengakaun untuk komponen kos perkhidmatan pengurusan dan membayar cukai perkhidmatan. Kos perkhidmatan pengurusan ini adalah perkhidmatan ‘kena cukai’ di bawah Jadual Kedua, Kumpulan G, butiran 13 ‘r’ : ‘Provision of Management services…’ Peraturan-peraturan Cukai Perkhidmatan  1975.     
Perkhidmatan yang disediakan adalah perkhidmatan Pengurusan dan adalah dikenakan Cukai perkhidmatan. Syarikat dikehendaki memohon lesen

              Feb 2014

Intra Group Services by Major Shareholder or Executive Director to Related Companies

1.     An individual who is a director and major shareholder in two companies provides Consultancy services to both companies. Would such services by the individual to both companies be exempt under Service Tax Act 2018?
         Not so, as Service Tax Regulations on exemption on intra-group services which includes Accounting services , Legal services and other Consultancy services only applies if such services are provided by a Company (which has control or controlling interest over both companies), see First Schedule, paragraph 3

2.      The following is a Report that was prepared on such a case (name of applicant has been changed) under the previous Service Tax Act 1975 and similar provisions are replicated in the New Service Tax Act 2018

MORINARU Tax Consultant Sdn Bhd memohon pengesahan jika perkhidmatan perundingan yang disediakan oleh  seseorang pemegang saham kepada syarikat yang dimiliki dan dikawal olehnya adalah tidak bercukai  kerana disediakan kepada pihak dalam intra-group.

Perkhidmatan yang disediakan
a.   Perkhidmatan yang disediakan adalah perkhidmatan perundingan yang merupakan perkhidmatan bercukai dalam Kumpulan G, butiran ‘o’. (New Act doesn’t have ‘o’ but is provided for under ‘Consultancy services’ also in Group G)
b. Di bawah Jadual Kedua Peraturan 3 dinyatakan bahawa jika suatu syarikat menyediakan perkhidmatan Yang kena Cukai termasuk jenis butiran ‘o’ kepada syarikat lain dalam kumpulan syarikat yang sama, perkhidmatan tersebut adalah tidak bercukai.
c.   Dalam senario yang dikemukakan oleh Morison AAC, pemegang saham yang merupakan  seorang individu yang memiliki ‘controlling stake’(lebih daripada 50% saham) dalam kedua syarikat. Suatu syarikat menyediakan perkhidmatan perundingan kepada suatu syarikat lain yang juga dimilikinya dan perkhidmatan yang sama tidak disediakan kepada pihak lain di luar kumpulan syarikat.

Kesimpulan dan Cadangan
a.     Individu mengawal kedua syarikat A dan C, perkhidmatan disediakan bukan oleh individu tetapi Syarikat C kepada Syarikat B.
b.     Peraturan 3 menerangkan : ‘Where a company…provides any taxable service…’; dan  Peraturan 4 menerangkan: ‘…if one company controls each of the other companies’ serta Peraturan 7 mencatat : ‘Where a company is controlled …by two or more companies,…’.
c.   Dalam senario yang dikemukakan oleh MORINARU Consultant, Syarikat C tidak memiliki saham dalam Syarikat A dan syarikat A juga tidak memiliki saham dalam Syarikat C tetapi kedua syarikat mempunyai seorang pemegang saham yang mengawal kedua syarikat tersebut (common controlling shareholder).
d.     Apabila Peraturan 3, 4 dan 7 dibaca literally, pemegang saham individu tidak boleh menganggap mendapat layanan seperti syarikat kerana kepentingan saham dalam  kedua syarikat   (by virtue of control of both companies). Jika contohnya individu tersebut menubuhkan sebuah syarikat Syarikat B dan Syt B mengambilalih kepentingan sahamnya,ia akan memenuhi kelayakan 

3.  Berikut adalah satu lagi keputusan yang telah dibuat keatas suatu permohonan melibatkan keadaan yang sama.

Saturday, 16 March 2019

Management & Consultancy (Perkhidmatan Pengurusan dan Perundingan)

Continued from previous post under :


For the purpose of this Group, any taxable person in column (1) of Group G having a total value of taxable service, whether combined or singly, of more than RM 500,000 of any one or more taxable services specified in column (2) of such Group shall be liable for registration under section 13 of the Act.

Taxable person
Taxable service
Total value of taxable service

7. Any person who provides consultancy services, excluding approved companies with status or definitions as research and development companies and contract research and development companies under section 2 of the Promotion of Investments Act 1986 [Act 327] and
approved research institute under section 34B of the Income Tax Act 1967 [Act 53].

9. Any person who provides management services, excluding the management services provided by—

(a) any developer, joint management body or management corporation to the owners of a building held under a strata title;

(b) any person who is licensed or registered with the Securities Commission Malaysia for carrying out the regulated activity of fund management under the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 [Act 671]; or

(c) any person, Government agency, local authority or statutory body for the purposes of religious, welfare, bereavement, health or public transport services.

(e) Provision of engineering
consultancy services or other professional services, excluding—

(i) provision of such services in connection with goods or land situated outside Malaysia or where the subject matter relates to a country outside Malaysia;
(ii) in relation to such services, provision of any service which requires the payment of any statutory fees to the Federal Government, or any State Government or statutory body.
(g) Provision of consultancy services including professional consultancy services other than specifically mentioned in this Schedule, excluding—

(i) provision of consultancy services relating to healthcare services and veterinary services;
(ii) provision of consultancy services in connection with—

(A) goods or land situated outside Malaysia; or
(B) other than matters relating to matters specified in (A) outside Malaysia.

(i) Provision of all types of management services including project management or project coordination, excluding provision of such services in connection with—

(i) goods or land situated outside Malaysia; or
(ii) other than matters relating to matters specified in (i) outside Malaysia.

RM 500,000


Komen: Keputusan seperti ini adalah tidak tepat. Penasihat-penasihat Cukai telah menggunakan keputusan ini sebagai dasar dan mendesak supaya dipatuhi dalam situasi lain di kemudian hari. Susulannya  Jabatan tidak dapat mengutip cukai yang sepatutnya dikenakan dan dibayar kepada Jabatan

Permohonan daripada Syarikat kepada Jabatan :

 Perkhidmatan Perundingan Rekaan dan Kejuruteraan dijalankan di luar negara tetapi adalah berkaitan perkara dalam Malaysia- lihat para (A). Bagitu juga perkhidmatan penyelarasan rekaan (project coordination)

For further reference be advised to refer link :Customs Dept Guide on Consultancy

KOMEN : Penasihat Cukai menggunakan keputusan yang terdahulu sebagai mengikat Jabatan walaupun keadaan adalah berbeza ataupun keputusan terdahulu adalah satu kesilapan
Juga gelaran sebagai "Kontraktor" yang dikatakan hanya melaksanakan apa yang telah ditetapkan adalah tidak tepat. Walaupun tugas yang dijalankan adalah pembinaan mengikut pelan ianya merupakan perkhidmatan pengurusan kerana Projek tersebut bukan projek sendiri tetapi dijalankan bagi pihak lain, Kontraktor tidak hanya terdiri daripada pekerja pembinaan tetapi mempunyai Penyelia dan Pengurusan. Gaji dan Upah Pengurusan merupakan perkhidmatan yang kena cukai

Understanding Common Customs Terminology

Below are definitions of terms commonly used by Customs Administrations. For definitive description of the term used, it is advisable to ref...