Saturday, 16 March 2019

Management & Consultancy (Perkhidmatan Pengurusan dan Perundingan)

Continued from previous post under :


For the purpose of this Group, any taxable person in column (1) of Group G having a total value of taxable service, whether combined or singly, of more than RM 500,000 of any one or more taxable services specified in column (2) of such Group shall be liable for registration under section 13 of the Act.

Taxable person
Taxable service
Total value of taxable service

7. Any person who provides consultancy services, excluding approved companies with status or definitions as research and development companies and contract research and development companies under section 2 of the Promotion of Investments Act 1986 [Act 327] and
approved research institute under section 34B of the Income Tax Act 1967 [Act 53].

9. Any person who provides management services, excluding the management services provided by—

(a) any developer, joint management body or management corporation to the owners of a building held under a strata title;

(b) any person who is licensed or registered with the Securities Commission Malaysia for carrying out the regulated activity of fund management under the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 [Act 671]; or

(c) any person, Government agency, local authority or statutory body for the purposes of religious, welfare, bereavement, health or public transport services.

(e) Provision of engineering
consultancy services or other professional services, excluding—

(i) provision of such services in connection with goods or land situated outside Malaysia or where the subject matter relates to a country outside Malaysia;
(ii) in relation to such services, provision of any service which requires the payment of any statutory fees to the Federal Government, or any State Government or statutory body.
(g) Provision of consultancy services including professional consultancy services other than specifically mentioned in this Schedule, excluding—

(i) provision of consultancy services relating to healthcare services and veterinary services;
(ii) provision of consultancy services in connection with—

(A) goods or land situated outside Malaysia; or
(B) other than matters relating to matters specified in (A) outside Malaysia.

(i) Provision of all types of management services including project management or project coordination, excluding provision of such services in connection with—

(i) goods or land situated outside Malaysia; or
(ii) other than matters relating to matters specified in (i) outside Malaysia.

RM 500,000


Komen: Keputusan seperti ini adalah tidak tepat. Penasihat-penasihat Cukai telah menggunakan keputusan ini sebagai dasar dan mendesak supaya dipatuhi dalam situasi lain di kemudian hari. Susulannya  Jabatan tidak dapat mengutip cukai yang sepatutnya dikenakan dan dibayar kepada Jabatan

Permohonan daripada Syarikat kepada Jabatan :

 Perkhidmatan Perundingan Rekaan dan Kejuruteraan dijalankan di luar negara tetapi adalah berkaitan perkara dalam Malaysia- lihat para (A). Bagitu juga perkhidmatan penyelarasan rekaan (project coordination)

For further reference be advised to refer link :Customs Dept Guide on Consultancy

KOMEN : Penasihat Cukai menggunakan keputusan yang terdahulu sebagai mengikat Jabatan walaupun keadaan adalah berbeza ataupun keputusan terdahulu adalah satu kesilapan
Juga gelaran sebagai "Kontraktor" yang dikatakan hanya melaksanakan apa yang telah ditetapkan adalah tidak tepat. Walaupun tugas yang dijalankan adalah pembinaan mengikut pelan ianya merupakan perkhidmatan pengurusan kerana Projek tersebut bukan projek sendiri tetapi dijalankan bagi pihak lain, Kontraktor tidak hanya terdiri daripada pekerja pembinaan tetapi mempunyai Penyelia dan Pengurusan. Gaji dan Upah Pengurusan merupakan perkhidmatan yang kena cukai

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